Swimming club ZIOS Liedekerke.
You are on the official site of the swimming club ZIOS (www.zios.be).
ZIOS is the abbreviation of "zwemmen is onze sport what means "Swimming Is Our Sport"
Let me take a moment to present you our club
The club is founded in 1968. From the start we had in mind to create a club, with a friendly atmosphere, where
everybody who's interested in swimming, is welcome.
We help the little ones to get used to the water (overcome the fear of water) We have a swimming school for
children and for adults. We consummate the technique of swimming and make the children familiar with different
styles of swimming. We provide the opportunity of leisure swimming but our members have also the possibility to
participate competitions.
Both, leisure swimming and competition can be done indoors and outdoors (rivers, canals and lakes) and the
opportunities are there for every body, children, grown-ups and seniors.
The majority of the competitions we joined are situated in Belgium, Occasionally we also participate a competition
in one of our neighbouring countries.
The whole site is written in Dutch. This is so, because also our youngest members, has to find the information they
are looking for. However it's quite possible that you are interested in the information that can be found on this site.
That's the reason why we added this English page to our site.
We don't have the intention to translate the whole site. The only purpose of this page is to guide you through this site.
For some of our pages, it is not necessary that you have a thorough command of Dutch, to understand the meaning of the
information on that page. In the following paragraph you will find a translation of our menu. The pages that can
be interesting for those who don't speak the Dutch language are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Home | Home | The homepage |
Nieuwsberichten | Message board | News items and announcements |
Wie zijn we | Who we are | A brave description of the club and the committee |
Mogelijkheden | Possibilities | The possibilities that the club offers his members |
Kalender (*) | Calendar | An enumeration of the activities of the club our activities we participate |
Wedstrijden (*) | Competitions | The competitions we take part of and the registrations |
Uitslagen (*) | Results | The results of the competitions. Here you can find also a link to the club records for boys (clubrecords jongens), the club records for girls (clubrecords meisjes) en the individual best times (besttijden) |
Gastenboek (*) | Guestbook | Everybody can write something in our guestbook. |
Contact (*) | Contacts | The people you can contact (voorzitter = the chairmen / secretaris = Secretary / penningmeester = treasurer) |
Links (*) | Links | Links to other sites (mostly concern the swimming sport) |
Downloads (*) | Downloads< | Somme interesting things you can download |
Trainingsuren | Timetable | The training timetable for the different groups |
Zwembad | Swimming pool | The address of the swimming pool and a navigation plan |
Fotoarchief (*) | photo archive | Somme photo's of activities organised by our club. |
Declaration of frequently used terms in our pages:
Wedstrijd | Competition |
Open water | Outdoor competition (in rivers, canals, lakes, …) |
Kampioenschap | Championship |
Vrije slag | Freestyle (front crawl) |
Schoolslag | Breast stroke |
Rugslag | >Backstroke |
Vlinderslag | Butterfly stroke |
Wisselslag | Medley swimming in four styles) |
Aflossing | Relay |
If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them on info@zios.be.
You can formulate your question in English. We will try as hard as one to give you an answer. Even when we don't understand all of what you wrote, we will always sent
you a message in return.
Do you think this English page is a good initiative, let us know it in the guestbook or send us a mail on info@zios.be.
Sportive regards,